The North Lambton Community Health Centre Harm Reduction and Hepatitis C Care Team (also known as the Outreach Team) is a specialized interprofessional team including outreach workers, nursing, and social work. Our team provides harm reduction services and Hepatitis C treatment and support to individuals across Lambton County. Our goal is to provide low barrier care to support people where they are on their journey. This includes providing support and treatment to individuals affected with, or at risk of acquiring Hepatitis C have, including access to quality specialized care.
Client benefits can include:
What is Harm Reduction?
Harm Reduction is an evidence-based client centered approach that seeks to reduce the negative harms associated with drug use. We believe that people who use drugs are the expert on their own lives and we support their right to make informed decisions about their care. Approximately two-thirds of individuals who inject drugs in Canada have been exposed to hepatitis C.
Our Services
Drop-in services: we have specific drop-in hours for anyone to gather harm reduction supplies and get connected to supports.
3-59 King St. West, Forest
Wellness Centre – Lower Level
Monday 1pm – 4pm
Friday 9am – 4pm
6335 Indian Lane, Kettle Point
Monday 1pm – 4pm
Wednesday 9am –12pm, 1 pm – 4pm
Mobile Delivery Service: on weekdays, we provide confidential delivery of harm reduction supplies across Lambton County. Please call or text 226-932-0473 to order harm reduction supplies or get more information on our outreach locations and times.
Naloxone Kits: want to save a life? Carry Naloxone! Naloxone is an opioid antagonist and can reverse the potentially fatal effects of an overdose. Naloxone is effective against all opioids including codeine, morphine, hydromorphone (Dilaudid®), meperidine (Demerol®), oxycodone (OxyContin®), fentanyl, heroin, methadone, buprenorphine, and others. Ask for one today. Group and individual trainings are offered.
Support/Connection to Services: our team can provide support, connection to addiction services, connecting to Hep C, HIV and STBBI testing, and connecting to primary care and counselling.
What is Hepatitis C?
Hepatitis C (hep c) is a virus that harms the liver. The only way for someone to know that they have hepatitis c is to be tested. Many people with hepatitis c do not have symptoms and will feel well for years, however the virus can still be damaging the liver. If the virus has progressed, individuals may experience swelling in the legs or yellowing of the eyes or skin (jaundice). There is no vaccine for hepatitis c, however treatment has come a far way and individuals can be treated in 8-12 weeks, usually with minimal drug side effects.
Our Services
Screening/Diagnosis: we provide screening tests including Point of Care screening and Dry Blood Spot screening to check for exposure to the Hepatitis C virus. If these tests show you have been exposed to the virus, a second blood test (RNA test) will be completed to determine if the virus is still present in your blood.
Treatment: our nurse will support you through your treatment plan, with medication and managing your symptoms related to the hepatitis C infection. Treatment normally lasts anywhere from 8-12 weeks.
Psychosocial Support: our social worker provides service coordination, advocacy, education and information, emotional support and referrals to other health and social services.
Referrals can be made in person, by phone (519-786-4545 or 226-932-0473- call or text), or by filling out our NLCHC Hep C Care Team Referral Form.
Connex Ontario: mental health and addiction treatment services
Ontario Hepatitis C Teams Network: information on Ontario’s Hepatitis C Teams
Catie: Canada’s Source for HIV and Hepatitis C information
OHRDP: Find harm reduction information harm reduction supplies nearest to you!
OHRN: Ontario Harm Reduction Network